Friday, May 23, 2008

Answering Question on Yahoo

Every now and then, when I'm bored or procrastinating, I'll wander around Yahoo! Answers chirping up with smartass answers to stupid questions. I'm sorry, that's just how I am.
But I answered a question today and actually it involves an idea I've had for a long time.
The question was:
If you were President what would you do to improve the country?
Now that's kind of a wide open question, and really, the president isn't God and can't just wave his hand over all our problems and make them go away. But here was my answer to the question:
Kick the House of Representatives out of Washington, DC.

All representatives should tele-commute from their offices in their districts. The technology is easy, even taking security into account. This would solve in great measure the disconnect of the people from their representatives.

Everyday, representatives should have to look their constituency in the the grocery store, at the gas station, at the doctor's office, etc.
That's what I would do. And I first started thinking that the House should stay home about 20 years ago, when telecommuting was new and untested. Today this is so do-able that I find it unbelievable that the idea hasn't entered into mainstream thought. Damn, its hard being visionary.Technorati Tags: , , ,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good idea, Richard. I like how you think. Sure would save the taxpayers a lot of money.